January is named after the Latin word for door (ianua), since January is the door to the year.

It’s also a time for us to take the opportunity to mentally open some doors, so that we can obtain a fresh new perspective on life.  What a great way to start the new year!  That is why I have dedicated the month of January to our first segment on the Life Cube, “Perspective“.

Doors serve three primary functions:

  • When closed, they provide us protection and a sense of security
  • When open, they allow for the safe passage of new things in and other things out
  • Finally, (depending on the material make up) when open and/or closed, it provides a threshold for perspective to the outside, as well as, the inside

These primary functions metaphorically represent three primary elements of our mental existence (“Fortitude“, “Open-Mindedness” and “Awareness“).


Awareness is two fold:

  • Internal:  First, we should take a good long honest and hard look at how we see ourselves.  Self-awareness is so crucial to our self-image and confidence.  Knowing who we are and what we think, our strengths and our weaknesses, our predispositions and self-consciousness are absolutely foundational in how we perceive and react to everything else we experience.
  • External:  Second, we should take a moment to realize how we view the world around us, how we react to situations and information, how we see others and how they see us, how “in the know” we are with events and important happenings that effect us.


Once we have gained insight into our awareness, we need to discover what we allow in to modify it.  That depends on our ability to be be open to change, new experiences and differing views, if only for a few moments to make a fair determination.  Life is by definition continual change.  If we do not afford ourselves the opportunity to at least consider the facts or that there may be more than one right answer, we will become unfounded, obstinate and/or judgemental.  This could have a long lasting impact that results in us missing out on some very important and rewarding aspects of life.


Along with the need for insight and openness comes the offsetting counterbalance of standing for what you believe in.  Mental strength is critical in providing protection against becoming gullible and naive.  It’s the difference between being taken advantage of and making wise decisions.  It is, however, a complicated element to master and if held in excess, it can create control issues and arrogance.

In Summary

Overall, balance and intensity are key and it takes a conscious effort combined with practice to develop.  However, once you are able to clearly define and understand your perspective better, many doors will open for you.

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