The Golden Mean
We all remember the childhood story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears“. That constant struggle to find just the right balance (not too hot, not too cold, but juuuust right). Well, that little fairy tale holds a great wisdom. A wisdom that has been taught throughout the ages from Icarus to Aristotle, Buddha to Confucius, Christianity to Islam; the “Golden Mean” has proven to be a truth that has withstood the test of time. Basically, it states that there is a desirable middle between two extremes, one of excess and one of deficiency. This guiding principle is one of the underlying forces behind the Life Cube and lends to my version of the story “Golden Blocks and the Three Lairs“.
Golden Blocks and the Three Lairs
Once upon a time, a long time ago (well, not really in the grand scheme of things), there existed a magical cube (more logical than magical but, I digress). This special golden block was forged using 36 of the most important elements in the universe. It is said that, if one holds the cube and speaks the inscribed words (with true intent in their heart) that a light will be cast. One that empowers the holder with an arcane sight.
Now, many have traveled the path of “Life” only to reach the fork of “Choice”, unwittingly selecting to enter one of the three “Lairs of Consequence”. The first, and by far the greatest of sanctuaries, veers to the left and is laden in diamonds and all that is grand, acting as a beacon to those that gaze hypnotically upon it. The passage that leads them in by the hoards, welcomes its prey with the broad open arms of a well worn path. To all whom enter, a curse will be placed by the resident charlatan, known as “Excess the Great”. The incantation will cause confusion among its guests, as time speeds up and priorities blur. The distracted victims are destined for a life of struggle, delusion, missed opportunities and a constant pursuit of the superficial (with an insatiable appetite).
However, for those that choose the path on the right, a different fate awaits in the shadows. Its meek tenant bares the lowly name of “Deficiency”. Just as deceiving as his big brother, he entices his guests with empty promises of ease and relaxation. Neither of which can be guaranteed due to a lack of confidence, anxiety and insecurities. All who enter here will, too, be plagued; doomed to a life full of low self-esteem, insignificance, dependency and loss of control. No better than the other, this path leads to a future of lost opportunities and disappointment.
Only the middle way will provide the balance and completeness that one seeks. Unfortunately for most, the entry to this narrow path is hidden well among the briars of Distraction & Complacency and is not easily perceived. However, blessed will be those that hold the Golden Blocks, for they will be privy to the truth and the proper path will appear quite conspicuous. The citizens of the “Lair of Presence” will enjoy a life filled with success, beauty and happiness. Making way for a future that is juuuust right.
THE END! (or quite possibly, just the beginning)