Product History

The Life Cube originated, in the early 2000’s, as a vague concept for a tool that I wanted to create “to help myself”.  I’m the kind of person that tends to overdo everything and unfortunately that comes with a hefty price (the likelihood of missing out on other very important things).  After many years of studying a variety of disciplines that ranged from Philosophy to Psychology, Theology to Physiology and everything in between, I finally decided to take my concept and turn it into reality.

However, instead of just focusing on myself, I thought I would prove more beneficial to expand the scope to anyone, that wanted to optimize their life.   I set out to create a tool that would identify and balanced out the most important areas of life (not just A life but, Any life).  It had to be truly universal and timeless. So, it needed to be relevant to all; regardless of age, gender, race, religion, time or location.

… and this is what I discovered.

Company History

The Life Cube is a product of Recycled Traditions, LLC.  A company dedicated to helping empower people with the ability to live their own best lives.