The Golden Mean We all remember the childhood story of “Goldilocks and the Three Bears“. That constant struggle to find just the right balance (not too hot, not too cold, but juuuust right). Well, that little fairy tale holds a great wisdom. A wisdom that has been taught throughout the ages from Icarus to Aristotle,…

Cube Life
The Life Cube is NOT just another self-help book or seminar that makes you feel great for a short period of time and then fades off after a couple laps around the rat race. It’s an actual tool that can be used daily, as a continual feedback loop and reminder. A GPS, of sorts, to help keep you…

Open Doors Provide Perspective
January is named after the Latin word for door (ianua), since January is the door to the year. It’s also a time for us to take the opportunity to mentally open some doors, so that we can obtain a fresh new perspective on life. What a great way to start the new year! That is why…

Happy Cube Year!
Out with the Old… After a roller coaster year like 2016, I have a feeling that a lot of you will be looking for a way to slow down, minimize the major swings and just get some kind of stability back in your life. Well, look no further. I developed The Life Cube specifically to…